You can have your Revit Pi() and eat it too

I’m currently in Kuwait in a short consulting trip. This morning Miles Walker just pointed out a blog entry by David Light about the pi() function in Revit. Alfredo Medina first posted about it in AUGI forums.

Back in July/August while doing consulting for KEO in Kuwait I came across this function while working on a family. I had a conversation then with Martin Schmidt (Industry Success Manager, Autodesk) about it and asked if there were any other non-documented functions in Revit (at the time pi() wasn’t documented). Martin said that this function was the only undocumented one and that it had been added earlier in the year, iirc. He had the need to make use of it several times while working on piping families.

To test it out, in the formula field of a numerical parameter enter pi().

Are there any other families you would like to see in Revit? I suggested back then to have floor() and ceil() (ceiling) added.

About The Author

Jose Fandos
CEO, Apple aficionado, gluten-free living, London resident.