As a Revit user or BIM Manager, you’ve probably had people ask you about “LOD” or “Level of Development”. When it comes to Revit content, this usually translates to asking which LOD your families are designed to meet – 100, 200, 300? You might also be asked about creating different LOD versions of the same families, in order to swap them in and out of models for different stages of deliverables.
Shared Parameter Tradeoffs: Short-Term Gains vs Long-Term Pains
In the past months, we’ve been working closely with consulting engineering firms to produce families that work with their shared parameters. The process has brought to the surface some issues that we think deserve closer attention for the way that they can impact the long-term utility of a firm’s shared parameters.
New Escalator Family: Revit Content That Will Take You Places
You can tell a lot about people by watching what happens on an escalator. Some of us stand calmly in place, waiting for the escalator to do its job. Others march up or down, feeling the satisfaction of saving extra seconds. There are those who seek the comfort of the handrail, and there are those who will never touch it for one reason or another – rock solid balance, possible germs, feeling that tiny bit more alive. Of course there’s one of humanity’s major dividing lines – those who stand to the side so others can pass, and those who stand across the steps, oblivious to the needs of their fellow travelers (you know who you are).
5 Revit Family Resolutions for 2018
Now that the holidays are over and we’re back at work, it’s time to capitalize on that last drop of holiday spirit and get cracking on our New Year’s resolutions! For those of us at Andekan, making New Year’s resolutions means thinking about how we can make better Revit families, make our customers’ lives easier, make our own lives easier, and keep helping the industry to move forward.