I recently finished and delivered a set of six toiler carrier families for Tyler Pipe. Three of the families (horizontal carriers) have two types each, standard and extended lengths. The vertical carriers have only one type, standard.
The families have three levels of detail, with the coarse detail being just model lines for the pipes. This helps improve the performance when loaded into a project and the detail levels are used accordingly. The file sizes range from 440K for the largest family (horizontal double carrier, models 310-ND and 310-ND 36) down to 368K for the smallest ones.
The amount of detail in the families is shown below, with the fine and medium views pictured for the horizontal double carrier. I’ve shown a Zurn family (right) downloaded from their website for reference. The latter is 336K and what you see below is both the fine and medium detail views (3D), with the coarse view being model lines for the pipes, just like for the Tyler Pipe families.
The family allows for the adjustment of the rough-in height and the main fitting height independently, moving up and down the carrier face plate and plastic nipple, and the main horizontal pipe respectively. A couple extra parameters allow for changing the plastic nipple length and bolt length. The materials used are assigned to parameters and all the Identity Data, including Assembly Code and the OmniClass, are set as well.
Finally, the connectors are associated to the Mechanical parameters, and the Main Out Flush is calculated accordingly. Where it made sense, the shared parameters used by Zurn were used here for the benefit of everyone. A few improvements were done to the connectors, though, compared to the Zurn families.